May 28, 2015

Our Account Director, Freddy, was a guest speaker at an ECU Lecture

May 28, 2015

Our Account Director, Freddy, was a guest speaker at an ECU Lecture

Our Account Director, Freddy, was a  guest speaker at an ECU Lecture

Bang Online Account Director, Freddy Hollow was invited to be a guest speaker earlier this month at an ECU postgraduate marketing lecture.Freddy ran through the essentials of digital marketing strategy and planning, how this translates into real life and gave insight into how digital marketing is being adopted by businesses across Perth. As digital marketing is a relatively new discipline, students were interested to learn how to get into this growing industry and discussed agency life and how the agency models works. The students were especially interested in SEO and AdWords and the real world applications of an audience appropriate content marketing strategy."Simply put digital strategy is to figure out where your target audience spends their time online and then utilise the appropriate digital channels to reach them there. The most important part however is to analyse the data and analytics to make sure you are not only reaching your objectives but doing so in an efficient manner that delivers ROI. "It ended up being one of the longest classes of the year and it was hard to work out who was having more fun, Freddy or the students, who enjoyed the real life examples. Many thanks to Helen Cripps (PhD, Lecturer) for having us at ECU and we hope that we can be a part of more guest speaking opportunities like this in the future!If you would like to learn more about how Perth businesses are using digital marketing, make sure you download our recently released 2015 West Australian Digital Marketing Report.