October 22, 2014

Google algorithm update dubbed the pigeon update

October 22, 2014

Google algorithm update dubbed the pigeon update

Google algorithm update dubbed the pigeon update

As we all know Google likes to update their algorithm to keep its search results as relevant and up to date as possible. Truth is they are constantly updating, tweaking and testing it where you will not see any major changes. Several times a year however, they will make a more fundamental change and this will be noticeable in the SERPs (search engine ranking positions).Some of the more mainstream updates that we will have all heard of if we are across SEO are the Panda update, Penguin update, Hummingbird update and now (still following the animal theme) a very recent update called the Pigeon update has been rolled out.So What Does This Pigeon Update Impact?We have seen the Google Algorithm updates impact a multitude of things from content quality to spam link profiles. The Pigeon update is different and has actually impacted the the Google Local results. The results we are referring to are often located when a 'location' is added to the end of a search query and Google deems it appropriate to pull in the 'local listing' results to its search results.Example here:


In the past the Google Organic results and the Google Local results have always been 'related yet separate' in the way Google ranks the two sets of results. The main feedback from Google on this Pigeon update is that the Google Local algorithm is now much more closely aligned with the Google Organic algorithm.So this means that traditional on-page SEO and off-page SEO factors will now impact Local search results as well as the Organic search results. Essentially what this means is the Google Local algorithm now connects with the Google Organic algorithm in a more deep and meaningful way. Furthermore location is playing more of a factor now so that the Local search results that are returned are more 'location' relevant to the query.

Has It Been Rolled Out Worldwide Yet?At the moment it has not been. Currently it is only impacting the US search results, however popular belief is that it will be rolled out to the rest of the world in early 2015. It is not uncommon for Google to release updates in the US first before they commit to a worldwide release.What Do We Do?At the moment there is nothing to do but just wait and see when Google releases the algorithm worldwide. When this occurs we will see positive or negative shifts in the Google Local results. As we only engage in white hat link building SEO tactics, we anticipate positive results for our clients as it will be more related to the Google Organic search results.If you have any further question on SEO or how Google works, get in touch with Bang Online today!


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Awards aren't everything. But we are pretty proud to be Perth's most awarded Google Premier Partner agency. Over the years we have been recognised by both Telstra and Google in their award categories, which are highly competitive. Here's a few of our PPC advertising accolades we are particularly proud of.

Telstra Business Awards - Outstanding Growth Category
Telstra Business Women's Awards - Small Business Award Category
Telstra Australian Business Awards - Medium and Making Waves Category
 Google Premier Partner Awards - Video Excellence
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Google Premier Partner Awards - Display Innovation
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