January 1, 1970

Mid Year SEO Recap - What We Know

January 1, 1970

Mid Year SEO Recap - What We Know

Mid Year SEO Recap - What We Know

As we have seen over the years, the SEO landscape shifts often, however what we have seen are been some constant ranking factors that despite all the changes seem to still be highly prominent and of value. More often than not what gets altered in SEO is the various tactics webmasters and SEO'ers use to improve the SEO rankings, from guest blogging in high volume to link networks.The reason these tactics come under fire is that they go against the Google Guidelines and essentially are solely used to 'game' the search engines to giving better rankings. The difference between a good SEO strategy and a bad SEO strategy is that while both are essentially 'gaming' Google to give better rankings, a good SEO strategy utilises long term tactics that add user value and little automation.An example of adding value would be doing a superb piece of content